Machine for key processing TS8000

TS8000 is commissioned in 2011.

  • The technological complex is intended to process different models of keys for security cylinders
  • It consists of 8 working stations (loading, milling 1 and 2, marking, calibration, brushing, sorting, unloading)
  • The loading and the unloading of the blanks in the different stations is done via 3 high-speed (1200mm/s) linear magnetic motors from Fanuc

Features :

  • Two four-axis milling stations Fanuc CNC
  • Linear transport – three-axis Fanuc CNC
  • 150 movements are performed in less than 7 seconds
  • The complex comes with a SCADA system for managing the production process, archiving in database
  • Productivity of TS8000 – 7 seconds per item